25 November 2016

Thank you...

Although Thanks-Giving isn't a holiday we celebrate in the UK, I thought it was appropriate to share a few thank you's that I owe to some people. It may inspire you to go out and thank someone, too.

So, thankyou....

to the girls who screwed me over
You made me realise that I'd rather go through life with one or two amazing friends, instead of a group of fake friends who do nothing but put me down. So, thank you for walking away from me. Thank you for bringing me down more than you brought me up. Because I've developed thicker skin, the motivation and drive to be successful and happy, and the ability to walk away from a situation that will never do me any good.

to my aunt
You do more than you realise for my mum, brother and I. You show us so much love and appreciation, and you help us without needing to be asked. Not only that, but you've helped me realise what I want to do with my life, and your success and shown me how successful I want to be, too. So, thank you for being the best aunt a niece could have, and thank you for always helping us and inspiring me.

to my mum
You haven't had it easy, and that's an understatement. There are times when you definitely struggle, especially as a single parent, but everything you do for my brother and I is greatly appreciated. I don't say thank you enough, but thank you for always standing by us, and helping us achieve our goals. Thank you for guiding us through life and raising us so well. Thank you for being the strong, caring woman that you are. I am eternally grateful.

to my dad
You show so much love to me and my brother. You irritate me at times, and you drive me up the wall..but you've helped me and my brother do things that we probably couldn't have done without you. Thank you for allowing us the opportunities to exceed as individuals, Thank you for being proud of us everyday. And thank you for always believing in us.

to my brother
Although you are the biggest pain in the arse, you are my life-long friend. Thank you for always making me laugh when I've had a rough day or I'm in a bad mood and nothing else manages to make me laugh. Thank you for being someone I will always be able to count on when somebody turns their back on me.

to my best friend
We only met two years ago, but I feel like I've known you forever. Thank you for being the most incredible friend when I've been hurt, angry, upset, or all of the above. Thank you for making laugh till my stomach literally aches. Thank you for being so trustworthy and loyal, and allowing me to feel like I can talk to you about absolutely anything. Thank you for being my best friend when I thought I'd never make new friends. Thank you, so much, for being the hilarious, caring, kind-hearted person that you are.

to my manager
Thank you for giving me my first job back in October of 2014. Not only did you give me a job that I desperately needed, but by giving me this job, you helped me become more confident. Before getting this job, I never would have imagined that I could speak to new people. I never would have imagined that I could laugh and smile through difficult times. So, thank you for allowing me to gradually come out of my shell. Thank you for giving an anxious little 16-year-old the chance to earn her own money and earn back some of the confidence she lost.

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