27 March 2016

About Me

About Me
27 March 2016
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My name is Megan Céline Nash and I'm a 5'2 Essex-born fashion enthusiast. No, I don't know Joey Essex or any of the TOWIE lot personally, and I don't go to Sugar Hut every weekend. (In fact, I've never been...)

I'd be lying if I said I'm not sassy or sarcastic in the slightest....

I could do with going to the gym more often, taking less pictures, and saving more money....but YOLO, right?

I have a shopping addiction that needs to be treated, as well as a tendency to give advice to others but never follow it myself..

I'm short, brunette, and a little anxious, but I have a massive heart, I'm a sick small spoon, I love hugs and I make a mean stack of pancakes! I laugh a lot (usually at my own jokes) and I have the most annoying laugh(s) ever.

I don't drink coffee - I know right, am I even worthy of being a blogger? - and I think milk is the work of Satan.

I dream of becoming a fashion/lifestyle magazine journalist, living in London with dogs as children, and travelling the world. More than anything, my aspiration in life is to be genuinely happy and content with my life. I believe I will end up doing what I'm meant to do, where I'm meant to be, and who I'm meant to be with.

I hope you enjoy me, my opinions, and my stories, and I hope I can be someone you can relate to in some way or another..

Email me at: megannash97@hotmail.com
Follow me on Twitter: @meganceline_xo
Follow my Instagram account: @megancelinenash
& check out my new etsy shop! megancelineprints

Disclaimer: I am happy to review any products on my blog that I would buy myself. However, all opinions will be honest and true and I will never speak about a product in any way that isn't honest and my own personal opinion.