25 October 2016

Turning 19 | Birthday Weekend

On Sunday 23rd October, I turned 19. I was lucky enough to spend the whole weekend, Friday-Sunday, with my wonderful family in Windsor, where my Aunt and Uncle live. I rarely get to see my Aunt and Uncle and other family members because of the distance, so at every given opportunity to spend time with my family, I will, and I'll appreciate every second of it.

It was my Aunt's 60th birthday last Wednesday - although she does not look or act like the type of 60-year-old you'd imagine - so on the Saturday she had a massive party at the nicest pub in Barnes called The Bull's Head. I strongly urge anyone to check it out as it is the most fabulous pub I've ever been to. All her closest friends were there, and so were our family members, and it was the most brilliant day/night. There were endless bottles of champagne, delicious canapés, and cake pops! We all drank and ate too much, but who even cares?! It was a sophisticated soirée with good music, great food, and the best company. I was lucky enough to spend the night with my aunts and uncles, cousins, and some very close family friends who were at the party.

On my birthday, we went for a morning walk along the River Thames in Windsor and round Eton. I can't overstate to you how beautiful Windsor and Eton are. The shops are so cute and pretty, the restaurants and cafes are unreal, and the sights you see are amazing. I definitely recommend a day-out in Windsor and Eton if you haven't already been! We then went to a pub/restaurant called The Bel & The Dragon where we all had a delicious roast beef dinner. The food was amazing; especially dessert! And if dessert wasn't enough, I was surprised with a birthday cake in the restaurant which my Aunt and Uncle arranged for me! Completely unexpected.

It was such a lovely weekend, full of laughs and smiles, where memories were made. It's so special to me to spend time with family whenever it's possible, and I couldn't think of a better way to spend my 19th birthday. I'm now ready for a week of hardcore gym sessions after the champs and food that were consumed. 

I've always been a very family-oriented person. Family, to me, is the most important thing, and it's something that will always make me happy when I'm feeling angry, unhappy or lonely. We may fight and argue sometimes, and we don't see eachother regularly, but my family has always supported me and shown me unconditional love. They've been there for me when I've felt lonely, and they've always helped me when I've struggled. I've learnt, even more so, how important family is, and that we should never take for granted the family we are blessed with, because I truly feel blessed when I'm with my family.

Something else I've learnt, or realised, over the last couple of days is how much I want to succeed, and how badly I want to achieve my goals. We all have somebody who makes us want to become a better version of ourselves; someone who makes us realise what our goals are in life and how badly we want to achieve them; someone who makes us realise where and who we want to be in years to come. For me, one of those people in my life is my Auntie. She has become an incredibly successful woman, living in a beautiful flat, being able to treat herself and the people around her whenever she wants, and being able to travel to wherever she wishes to go to. She doesn't care about what anybody thinks, she's not afraid to say what she thinks, and she has never let anybody get in her way. She is an inspiration to her friends, colleagues, and family, and she is admired by many. I've realised that that is what I wish to be. Admired. I wish to be able to bring myself and the people around me complete and utter happiness. I wish to feel content. I wish to be able to do whatever I want to do, go wherever I want to go, and be whoever I want to be. My Auntie truly inspires me, and I admire her.

So, enough on this blog post about family and birthdays and what-not. How did you spend your weekend? How important is family to you? Who inspires you?

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